Saturday, March 16, 2019

Week in Photos: 3/10/19-3/16/19-Birthday Edition ll

 Dear Katie,

You are as much a delight to my soul as you were when you were a chubby cheeked two year old, singing our song to us long before we understood your words.  Even though my eyes see a beautiful 15 year old teenager standing before me, my heart still looks at you and remembers you standing there with your video camera telling me to "say cheeeese!"

Much too soon you will be grown, heading off to college and the rest of your life. I know that whatever path you choose you will thrive. God has great things in store for you, and I'm so excited to see what you will do with the gifts He has given you. 

But for now, I will savor 15. I will delight in your desire to both be near me and to venture out and test your wings a little bit at at time. I pray that I will neither long for days gone by, spent watching you grow and explore the world around you; nor dwell on the future when you will be grown and out from under my wing. Instead I will stay in the present and enjoy you right now, just as you are. 

Because you, my dear girl, I adore. 

Happy Birthday. xoxo


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