For the past few weeks most of our thoughts and prayers and conversations have been centered around this opportunity that we'd been presented with. On Monday we got a call saying they couldn't use us after all. I was so disappointed. I wanted to be part of this ministry in the worst way. In my head we were already there. So it was a hard pill to swallow when I learned that wasn't what God had in mind for us. Really, really hard to swallow. I cried most of Monday. I moped about and lost myself in my misery. After a while, I decided to push my sadness aside and listen. And that's when I had all these thoughts rush at me. Thoughts about how can we be part of full time ministry in another part of the country when we still struggle with full time Christianity right here at home where we're comfortable? I have some areas of my life where I still struggle to love others as He loves us, to forgive as I have been forgiven. I am quick to judge and slow to forgive. As much as I love Him and long to be the person He has called me to be, I still have much work to be done. I believe that is why He is keeping us where we are. For now.
As I was editing my picture last night, I was planning on using Proverbs 3: 5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight". That verse had been on my mind, and it seemed to fit this situation perfectly. But as I was sitting there, "Be still, and know that I am God" popped into my head. I had to look it up because I didn't know what book it came from. But once the thought was there it wouldn't go away. So I thought I would set aside my plan and go with it. Kind of symbolic, isn't it? We need to set aside our plans-our wants and our needs- more often and just be still and listen to Him. And He will make straight our paths. To see more Word Filled Wednesday visit Amy here.