I didn't have time to edit a picture for Word Filled Wednesday because we've got a stomach bug that's taken Katie down, but I've felt compelled all day long to get on here and share some thoughts I've been having about Easter.
This year Donnie is in the Living Last Supper at our church. The first time I saw this performance was a few years ago. Maybe even four or five. I went because my dad was going to that church and taking part in the play. At that time I called myself a Christian, but I wasn't really. I was just clueless and misled. Needless to say, I didn't really get it that night. I had a hard time keeping my attention focused on the lines, and was basically putting my time in waiting for it to be over. It didn't speak to me. It didn't move me at all. I know now that it wasn't that there was anything wrong with the play (especially since I watched it again last night and it was like a whole new experience! It was powerful and emotional and it moved me to tears!!) there was something wrong in me. The reason I didn't get anything from it the first time is because I wasn't ready. My head wasn't open to hearing the message, and my heart wasn't open to receiving Jesus...
I'm sharing this because there are many of you that I love very much that I know haven't accepted Jesus into your lives and into your hearts. And I also know that some of you are reading this and cringing and wondering when I became one of them. And I'm okay with that. As long as you think about what I'm saying. Jesus died for our sins. For your sins. He came as a living sacrifice so that all who believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Eternal life. There it is again folks, eternity. Are you really going to take that chance? If you were to die today, would you go knowing you were secure in the love and the blood of Jesus? I know there are people who will tell you God doesn't exist. I know some of you reading this truly believe that. I'm here to tell you otherwise. You are being misled, and it's a very costly mistake.
So think about it. Spend the rest of the week thinking not about Easter bunnies and eggs, and more about what this is really about. Our savior. Jesus came. He lived. And then he died. Crucified on the cross to save us. You won't find a love greater than that anywhere.
Courage to Answer God’s Call: Saying Yes to God
15 hours ago