Monday, August 23, 2010

The Book Guardians

My fellow TOS Crew member, Very Blessed Mama, has created a new blog called The Book Guardians. This blog has twelve contributors (including yours truly) who will be sharing about books they are reading with their families. We will let readers know if the books include the following points:

1. Religious/ Secular Content:
2. Adult Content:
3. Mature Topics:
4. Strong/ Inappropriate Language:
5. Magic/ Witchcraft/ Fictional Characters:
6. Disrespect/ Rebellion:
7. Drug/ Alcohol Use:
8. Violence/ Abuse:
9. Educational Value:
10. Positive/ Negative Messages
We will also give a brief summary of the story and what age group we think the book would be appropriate for.

I know with three girls at different reading levels it's sometimes hard for me to read all their books beforehand. This site will be a perfect tool for that. You go to the site and look for a book you have in mind. (there is a small collection right now, but it will be constantly updated) From our summaries you will be able to see if the story contains any subject matter that you feel is inappropriate for your child. This will also be good if you're just looking for something new to read.

Remember the site is brand new, so be patient and give us time to add to our collection. I'm sure it's bound to become an invaluable reasource!

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