Saturday, February 10, 2018

IF:Gathering 2018

IF:Gathering desires to disciple the next generation of women to live out God’s calling on their lives. We all get tired. Sometimes we even start to question if following Jesus is worth it. At IF:Gathering 2018 we’re gathering to be reminded that we weren’t given a spirit of fear or doubt or insecurity. We’re going to encourage each other to keep following Jesus with perseverance because HE IS WORTH IT.

This weekend 80 women from my tiny community gathered together to watch the simulcast. In five years this is the largest gathering we’ve seen in our area. For the past couple of years I watched from my friend’s couch with a small group of friends. The first couple of years I watched at home on my laptop. It’s amazing to see what God is up to!

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IF:Gathering’s mission is to Gather, Equip, and Unleash women to disciple people who disciple people. Although the live simulcast is done for the year, you can still purchase the download to view at home. Or better yet, gather your people and watch it together! You can also gather monthly over a meal with IF:Table. In the picture below are ladies from two different IF:Tables sharing what gathering together monthly has meant to them. So good!There are also IF:Equip studies! What are you waiting for?


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